Friday, November 14, 2014

Why I'm Studying...

I will talk about my decision of study the subject I chose.

When I was at high school, I didn't know what subject or career to study. I decided to study Electronic Engineering because I though to work with robots and automatic systems, but when I was studying  undergraduate at university in Peru, I started to take interest to study networking. Network Communications is a subject related to my proffesion, but I need to study so much about it, so when I finished my career at university in Peru, and I got the degree, I started to study courses related to networking and I got the networking certification called CCNA (Cisco Certified Neworks Associate) given by Cisco.

Then I started to work in jobs where I could apply some of   knowledge about networking, but I understanded it is not enought so I decided to study some most specific about I like. I heard about scholarships given by Peruvian govermment and I decided to apply for a scholarship to study for be a master in networks communications at Universidad de Chile. I got this scholarship and currently, I am studying for be master in Santiago city.

I can say I like of the world of communications networks and I am learning new things about it. Personally, I dislike some matters for master of interest for me don't start, but I will continue to get my target.

I only know I never finished to learn because this subject is broad, but I want to continue studying it day to day. It's my life.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Something I am proud of

I will talk about something I am proud of. It is about I got a scholarship to study for be a Master at Universidad de Chile.

When I was a child, I never though about to study for be an engineer. I remember I want to be firefighter so I didn't though to study at university. When I was 13 years old, I started thinking about to study a degree in engineering so I studied Electronic engineering when I lived in Peru.

I studied in a public university. In Peru the public universities are very cheap so I only was paying some basic cost. When I finished a degree of engineer, my mother said to me about scholarships to do postgraduate studies, but I said to her: It is difficut to get. My mind is focused to get a job.

I was working for three years in Peru. Then I watched on TV an advertisement about scholarships to study for be master in different countries. I coment to my parents about it, and they said to me that I could get it.

I decided to aply for a scholarship. It was difficult because I had to prove that I reached some requirements.
I was working when I was aplying for a scholarship. I had to get some permission to go out during work hours because I needed to do some tramits.
When I got a scholarship, I left my job and I had to do much work before. I remember I left my job 4 days before I traveled to Santiago. Those days were stressful.

Now, I am studying for be Master, but I believe that I will be more proud when I got the Master degree.

Donnie Darko

I watched the movie called  Donnie Darko two weeks ago. I was fascinated when I was watching this movie because it is a supernatural drama film, which is about two parallel universes and travel times.
When I watched the end of this film, I was amazed and confused because I had watched some impressive facts, which were not understood by me.

I started saying a short summary of this film. On October 2, 1998, Donnie Darko, know to a big rabbit called Frank, who say to him the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. During these 28 days, Donnie know to Gretchen and he falls in love with her. Also,  Donnie continues talking with Frank, who says to Donnie the things that he have to do. A Donnie's teacher appears in the film, who give him  a book called The Philosophy of Travel Time. When the supposed world end is close, Gretchen is hit by a car driven by the Donnie's sister boyfriend named Frank, who is disguised as a rabbit. Then, Gretchen dies and Donnie kill to the his sister's boyfriend.
When the 28 days have passed, a hold appears in the sky. Then, the film returns to October 2, and Donnie dies because a plane engine falls on the roof of his room.

When I was watching the film end, I asked myself: What happened? After I watched Donnie Darko film, I was finding some explanation about this film in the web.

In my opinion, the film is about two universes: the primary universe and the tangent universe. The primary universe is where the people exist now and the tangent universe is a parallel reality. The most of the film is set in the tangent universe.

On October 2, the primary universe stops, and Donnie enter to a tangent universe. This universe tangent is created because Donnie should die but he refuses to die. The spiritual force of Donnie was altering the reality. A guy dressed as a rabbit called Frank appear to achieve that Donnie accepts his destination.  The 28 days happen in the tangent universe. It is what would happen if Donnie don't die.
The rabbit that talk with Donnie is a ghost that travel from the future. Frank kills to the girl loved by Donnie and he is killed by Donnie in the tangent universe.

Finally, Donnie accept that he should die. In the tangent universe, he opens a portal in the sky and he achieve that a plane engine to pass through the portal and it travels to the primary universe. Then it falls on the roof of Donnie's room and Donnie dies. In the primary universe, Donnie never knows to Gretchen and she don't die.

Donnie Darko is a fascinating movie so I recommend to watch it.

A Concert or Exhibition

Now, I will talk about an exhibition I went to. It was this year when I return to Peru for two weeks.
It was a particular exhibition because there were a concert, peruvian typical dance and disco night.

I remember that this exhibition was at 28th July. This day, peruvian people celebrated Fiestas Patrias Peruanas, so there were many events and exhibitions in Peru, where national and international artists sing in different cities of Peru.

Mi girlfriend and me went to a exhibition in a popular disco called Premium in Chiclayo. Chiclayo is a city located in the north of Peru to 763 kilometers from Lima, capital city of Peru. Also, Chiclayo is a place where I was borned. In this exhibition, there were presentations of Peruvian dances as marinera, festejo and jungle dance. Also, William Luna, a popular singer in Peru, sang folk music with sounds of Andean instruments.
I remember William Luna sang his popular songs as "Niñachay", "Vienes y te vas", "Vuelve" among others.

Then, the night disco continued with different musical genders as pop, rock, salsa and merengue.
I remember that I enjoyed that day. I was very happy because I like to listen different music styles and I was with my girlfriend. Also, I danced some musical tracks and I drank some beer.

I would like to go to a peruvian exhibition  again. I was fascinated with it. I believe that when a person return to country, he/she feel very happy. In my opinion, the most of people love the place where they were borned.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Something I am reading: Smart Cities

Currently, I have readed academic articles about technology and telecommunications. There are different articles, books with many topics about technology. Now, Iwill talk about Smart Cities.
About Smart Cities, I have readed "Estrategia de Ciudad Inteligente para el Transporte Chile 2020". It is a government document.
It will talk about the plan to do smart cities in Chile. It started talking about the tendency of smart cities in the world. Then, it  explain about the definition. Smart city is an "intelligent city" where there are different technologies to improve the life quality of people. "Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (MTT)" of Chile want to implement technological solutions to have the best transport in Chile. It is possible if many deparments of government work together.

To convert Chile cities in smart cities, MTT will implement Intelligent Transport system (ITS) using video control system, security system, intelligent trafic light, monitoring system and others technologycal tools.

I also am reading about smart cities in other countries as UK. In UK there is  a plan to convert england cities in smart cities implementing intelligent enregy systems and water management.
Also, Spain is implementing smart cities.

Currently, I am reading about this topic beacuse  I am doing an academic documment to explain the smart cities situation in Chile, and compare this situation with other countries.

I can say that in Chile there is a smart city in Huechuraba. Currently, the government plan to convert 15 cities in smart cities.

This topic is fascinating. There are many things to talking about smart cities.

Friday, October 10, 2014

A special talent

If you ask me what is my special talent, I will said that I don't have a special talent, but my friends and my family say that I am talented with maths. I can say that this talent is not memorizing formules and replace in a problem. It is aplying the correct formules with ability. For example, when I didn't know some topics about financial maths, I found the formule and I aplyed it and I got the correct result, but I didn't memorize the formule. I remember that when I was at school, I also could resolve problems with a base formule and I got a complex formule. Then I got a solucion.

Also, when I was at high school, I could resolve some geometry problems at least 1 minut but I did it very fast and my writing was terrible so I only understood my numbers and graphics.
I consider that this ability is useful because I can aply it daily. When I was 22 years old, I used this ability to analyze and compare the interest rates and financial conditions offered by different banks because I wanted to get a loan. I didn't know about finances but I found the formules and financial concepts in internet and I aplyed those. Then I got a banking loan with a low interest rate.

My family thing that my ability is a talent. I consider that I started to develop my ability when I was a child, because I resolved many mathematical problems.

I am some lazy but when there is a challenging situation with maths, I use my ability.

Friday, October 3, 2014

A group activity

Hello everybody.

Today, I will tall about a group activity that I did when I was younger. It was going to ride bike with my brothers or my cousins.
When I lived in Peru, I remember when I was 9 years old, I started to ride bike. I can say that my first intention was failled, but I continued trying to ride bike. When I reached it, I started going to ride bike with my cousins. They are older than me, but I wanted to be more expert than their in riding bike.
I remember when  we was riding about many hours and my cousin got fatigue, and she couldn't continue. In that moment we stoped and then we returned to home on bus.

In my memory also is when I was teeneger and I taught to ride bike to my brother. I consider that he learned to ride bike faster than me. When he knew to ride bike, we did competition with his friends. It was very funny because some times there were amusing falls, but we never had an accident.

The competitions of cycling at high school  also were very funny. When I participed in a competetion at school, I remember it was exciting. Althought I didn't win it, I got fun and relax.

Personally, I prefer going to ride bike with friends or brothers. It is better than I go to ride bike along. I would like go to ride bike with my brothers and my cousins when I return to Peru.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fiestas Patrias

I will talk about my 2014 fiestas patrias experience. It was the first time that I celebreated "fiestas patrias" in Chile and I can say it was great and very funny.

I will talk about the 19th setember, because it is was the best day lived for me in that week. Days before to Fiestas Patrias, my friends and me agreed to go to "Padre Hurtado" park located in La Reina, Santiago. for 19th september, and we bought a portable grill, meat, chicken, sausage, cola and beer for that day.

That day, we arrived at 11 hrs. to "Padre Hurtado" park and we watched a big festival when there were many stands where the people sold Chilean food, drinks, clothes and different articles  . Also, we watched the Chilean armed forces's exhibition where there was airplanes and tanks.
Then we went to a green area where there were some cabins, and we decided to stay in a cabin.

The first thing that we did was drinking cola and beer because that day was sunny and we were thirsty. When we had some hunger, some friends and me  started to grill brochettes on the barbecue.  I wanted to learn cooking brochettes because I didn't do it before in my life. I remember that we ate many brochettes and drank beer and cola.

When it was at 17 hrs. we grilled ribs and we continued eating. We were very greedy. At night, we was watching a dance show of "Cueca". To finish the night, we drank chicha.
Then my friends and me taken the underground and we went to our houses.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A song

I will talk about a song called "Invencible", which is liked for me. It is sung by Libido, a Peruvian band,
I like listening to music of Libido because they speak in their songs about the life, feelings, emotions but they are creative and sing their topics with an own rock style. 
Libido has won two MTV awards and some discs of platinum and gold. Currently, Libido is a group integrated by Salim Vera, Manolo Hidalgo, Wilder López and Juan Pablo del Águila.
"Invencible" is a song that talk about the life, when a person feels invincible but he/she is lying, that it is not only about excusing, the life is a change of attitude, the truth is the freedom. 
This song is strong but is good. I like it because its letter is true and it is combined with a good music.

I admired to Libido because they has participated in important festivals of the Americas: "Festival of New Bands" (Caracas, Venezuela), "Pepsi Music" (Buenos Aires, Argentina), "International Cusqueña Beer Festival" (Cusco, Peru) among others.
Number of words: 176

Friday, September 5, 2014

A teacher

I will talk about my teacher of Biological Sciences when I was at high school. His name was Manuel. He is a good guy because he always wants that his student getting knowledge.
When Manuel started his class, he did some jokes and he explained a topic, drawing about it in the board. He was a good artist in the drawing.

biologia celular

I remember that he liked talking about his experience in the life and he acted as our friend. He always was in all events and parties organized in the school and he liked dancing.
I know that Manuel continue teaching in the school when I studied and the last time that I saw him was two years ago. It is some curious, but Manuel was teacher of my middle brother when he was at high school and he is teacher of my young brother now.
I remember that my classmates and me watched videos in the class. Those videos were about some sciences topics, for example: cell structure, genetic, cloning among others. I think that those videos were some boring because sometimes they taken about two hours. When it happened, I wanted to sleep.
I can say that I learned important things about biological sciences with Manuel, although sometimes his class was bored.  Also, I consider that Manuel is a good professional.

Number of words: 223

Friday, August 29, 2014

A family meal

I will talk about a family meal I remember. It happened in january at last year in Peru. That day was the my mother's birthday.
My brothers, my grandparents, my cousins, my uncles and my aunts were in that meal.  My father also was in that day. My parents don't live together but they are good friends and they almost always are in the family meals.
We celebrated that day in a restaurant because nobody wanted cooking. The restaurant was to 5 minutes of my house.
I remember that all was ready to start at 13:00 hours. and I was working that day but I got permission to go out at 12:30. I was running from the my work to my home. My house was to 30 minutes of the office where I worked. My family was waiting for me because I am the oldest son and I had to do a toast.
In my memory is that before the meal,  I went to my house and I took a shower very fast, I believe that it was for 5 minutes.
When I arrived to a restaurant where the members of my family were gathered, everybody were ready to do a toast. It was a great moment for me. Also, I can say that the food was delicious and the music was very good.
It was a wonderful day because we had a good time.

Number of words: 229

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A field trip

I didn't do a field trip last semester, but I took about the field trip to Cajamarca in Peru, because it liked to me.

I went to Cajamarca with my classmates when I was 15 years old. It is a tourist city in the north of Peru and we were interested to know the principal places in this city.

I remember that we arrived to Cajamarca at night and we went immediately to the hotel where we will stay those days. Then we went to eat some food near to the main square and  I watched a main square with some green bushes and I was impressed because this square was very clean and beautiful.

The next day, we went to Cumbe Mayo that is located some kilometers to southwest of Cajamarca city. We hired a guide, who would lead us in that way.  The guide said to us that Cumbe Mayo is best known for ruins of a Pre-Incan aqueduct stretching about five miles in lenght. The aqueduct collected water from Atlantic watershed and redirected it toward Pacific Ocean. But I was not interested to watch the aqueduct, I liked to watch the "stone forest", a place with natural volcanic rocks which have been shaped by erosion.

Two days later, we knew other tourist places, but the "stone forest" in Cumbe Mayo was the best for me.

Number of words: 227

Break winter

I had a very funny winter break. I can say that the most interesting experience was doing snowboarding with my friends.

I'm Peruvian and I never did snowboarding in my country because this sport isn't popular in Peru, but in the last month, many people said to me about the practice of ski and snowboarding in Chile, and I tought about practicing some of these sports. When my friends said to me: "Let's go doing snowboarding", I felt happy.

My friends and me went to "El Colorado" some weeks ago. It is a snow center where the people practice ski and snowboarding. We never did this sport in our life before, but we wanted living this new adventure. When we arrived to the place called  "El Colorado", we wanted to take snowboarding class but the class was not available, but we wanted to practice snowboarding and we went to the snowboard slopes. We had many falls but we achieved doing basic movements.

When we finished doing snowboarding, we ate many chocolates and drank water, and when we arrived to Santiago city, we drank coffee. Then, I arrived to my home and I was uploading the photos that we taken of our adventure in "El Colorado".

Going to "El Colorado" was enjoyable. I will remember that great day with my friends.

Number of words: 220