Friday, August 29, 2014

A family meal

I will talk about a family meal I remember. It happened in january at last year in Peru. That day was the my mother's birthday.
My brothers, my grandparents, my cousins, my uncles and my aunts were in that meal.  My father also was in that day. My parents don't live together but they are good friends and they almost always are in the family meals.
We celebrated that day in a restaurant because nobody wanted cooking. The restaurant was to 5 minutes of my house.
I remember that all was ready to start at 13:00 hours. and I was working that day but I got permission to go out at 12:30. I was running from the my work to my home. My house was to 30 minutes of the office where I worked. My family was waiting for me because I am the oldest son and I had to do a toast.
In my memory is that before the meal,  I went to my house and I took a shower very fast, I believe that it was for 5 minutes.
When I arrived to a restaurant where the members of my family were gathered, everybody were ready to do a toast. It was a great moment for me. Also, I can say that the food was delicious and the music was very good.
It was a wonderful day because we had a good time.

Number of words: 229

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