Friday, October 10, 2014

A special talent

If you ask me what is my special talent, I will said that I don't have a special talent, but my friends and my family say that I am talented with maths. I can say that this talent is not memorizing formules and replace in a problem. It is aplying the correct formules with ability. For example, when I didn't know some topics about financial maths, I found the formule and I aplyed it and I got the correct result, but I didn't memorize the formule. I remember that when I was at school, I also could resolve problems with a base formule and I got a complex formule. Then I got a solucion.

Also, when I was at high school, I could resolve some geometry problems at least 1 minut but I did it very fast and my writing was terrible so I only understood my numbers and graphics.
I consider that this ability is useful because I can aply it daily. When I was 22 years old, I used this ability to analyze and compare the interest rates and financial conditions offered by different banks because I wanted to get a loan. I didn't know about finances but I found the formules and financial concepts in internet and I aplyed those. Then I got a banking loan with a low interest rate.

My family thing that my ability is a talent. I consider that I started to develop my ability when I was a child, because I resolved many mathematical problems.

I am some lazy but when there is a challenging situation with maths, I use my ability.

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