Friday, October 17, 2014

Something I am reading: Smart Cities

Currently, I have readed academic articles about technology and telecommunications. There are different articles, books with many topics about technology. Now, Iwill talk about Smart Cities.
About Smart Cities, I have readed "Estrategia de Ciudad Inteligente para el Transporte Chile 2020". It is a government document.
It will talk about the plan to do smart cities in Chile. It started talking about the tendency of smart cities in the world. Then, it  explain about the definition. Smart city is an "intelligent city" where there are different technologies to improve the life quality of people. "Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (MTT)" of Chile want to implement technological solutions to have the best transport in Chile. It is possible if many deparments of government work together.

To convert Chile cities in smart cities, MTT will implement Intelligent Transport system (ITS) using video control system, security system, intelligent trafic light, monitoring system and others technologycal tools.

I also am reading about smart cities in other countries as UK. In UK there is  a plan to convert england cities in smart cities implementing intelligent enregy systems and water management.
Also, Spain is implementing smart cities.

Currently, I am reading about this topic beacuse  I am doing an academic documment to explain the smart cities situation in Chile, and compare this situation with other countries.

I can say that in Chile there is a smart city in Huechuraba. Currently, the government plan to convert 15 cities in smart cities.

This topic is fascinating. There are many things to talking about smart cities.

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