Friday, October 3, 2014

A group activity

Hello everybody.

Today, I will tall about a group activity that I did when I was younger. It was going to ride bike with my brothers or my cousins.
When I lived in Peru, I remember when I was 9 years old, I started to ride bike. I can say that my first intention was failled, but I continued trying to ride bike. When I reached it, I started going to ride bike with my cousins. They are older than me, but I wanted to be more expert than their in riding bike.
I remember when  we was riding about many hours and my cousin got fatigue, and she couldn't continue. In that moment we stoped and then we returned to home on bus.

In my memory also is when I was teeneger and I taught to ride bike to my brother. I consider that he learned to ride bike faster than me. When he knew to ride bike, we did competition with his friends. It was very funny because some times there were amusing falls, but we never had an accident.

The competitions of cycling at high school  also were very funny. When I participed in a competetion at school, I remember it was exciting. Althought I didn't win it, I got fun and relax.

Personally, I prefer going to ride bike with friends or brothers. It is better than I go to ride bike along. I would like go to ride bike with my brothers and my cousins when I return to Peru.

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