Friday, November 7, 2014

Something I am proud of

I will talk about something I am proud of. It is about I got a scholarship to study for be a Master at Universidad de Chile.

When I was a child, I never though about to study for be an engineer. I remember I want to be firefighter so I didn't though to study at university. When I was 13 years old, I started thinking about to study a degree in engineering so I studied Electronic engineering when I lived in Peru.

I studied in a public university. In Peru the public universities are very cheap so I only was paying some basic cost. When I finished a degree of engineer, my mother said to me about scholarships to do postgraduate studies, but I said to her: It is difficut to get. My mind is focused to get a job.

I was working for three years in Peru. Then I watched on TV an advertisement about scholarships to study for be master in different countries. I coment to my parents about it, and they said to me that I could get it.

I decided to aply for a scholarship. It was difficult because I had to prove that I reached some requirements.
I was working when I was aplying for a scholarship. I had to get some permission to go out during work hours because I needed to do some tramits.
When I got a scholarship, I left my job and I had to do much work before. I remember I left my job 4 days before I traveled to Santiago. Those days were stressful.

Now, I am studying for be Master, but I believe that I will be more proud when I got the Master degree.

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