Friday, November 7, 2014

Donnie Darko

I watched the movie called  Donnie Darko two weeks ago. I was fascinated when I was watching this movie because it is a supernatural drama film, which is about two parallel universes and travel times.
When I watched the end of this film, I was amazed and confused because I had watched some impressive facts, which were not understood by me.

I started saying a short summary of this film. On October 2, 1998, Donnie Darko, know to a big rabbit called Frank, who say to him the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. During these 28 days, Donnie know to Gretchen and he falls in love with her. Also,  Donnie continues talking with Frank, who says to Donnie the things that he have to do. A Donnie's teacher appears in the film, who give him  a book called The Philosophy of Travel Time. When the supposed world end is close, Gretchen is hit by a car driven by the Donnie's sister boyfriend named Frank, who is disguised as a rabbit. Then, Gretchen dies and Donnie kill to the his sister's boyfriend.
When the 28 days have passed, a hold appears in the sky. Then, the film returns to October 2, and Donnie dies because a plane engine falls on the roof of his room.

When I was watching the film end, I asked myself: What happened? After I watched Donnie Darko film, I was finding some explanation about this film in the web.

In my opinion, the film is about two universes: the primary universe and the tangent universe. The primary universe is where the people exist now and the tangent universe is a parallel reality. The most of the film is set in the tangent universe.

On October 2, the primary universe stops, and Donnie enter to a tangent universe. This universe tangent is created because Donnie should die but he refuses to die. The spiritual force of Donnie was altering the reality. A guy dressed as a rabbit called Frank appear to achieve that Donnie accepts his destination.  The 28 days happen in the tangent universe. It is what would happen if Donnie don't die.
The rabbit that talk with Donnie is a ghost that travel from the future. Frank kills to the girl loved by Donnie and he is killed by Donnie in the tangent universe.

Finally, Donnie accept that he should die. In the tangent universe, he opens a portal in the sky and he achieve that a plane engine to pass through the portal and it travels to the primary universe. Then it falls on the roof of Donnie's room and Donnie dies. In the primary universe, Donnie never knows to Gretchen and she don't die.

Donnie Darko is a fascinating movie so I recommend to watch it.

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